The Public Policy/Administration Jobs Blog provides a forum for job-seekers seeking jobs in public affairs, public policy, and public management programs.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Archived Public Policy/Admin/Management Jobs 08-09
Discussion of job market developments for 2008-2009 searches
To start the ball rolling on the new comment section... Looks like (according to the wiki) Hamidullah (an UGA ABD) has been offered the Rutgers PM position.
...because the jobs that people get this year will start in the 2009-2010 academic year. A lot of fields talk about the market in these terms, instead of in terms of the year of the interview.
A school that apparently isn't aware that people talk to each other told me to keep patient as they haven't yet made a decision, but I know firsthand that they made an offer. Obviously, they're trying to string me along.
The question: Do I ignore this as usual employer behavior, or do I take the lie as an indicator that I don't want to be there?
I would be careful about calling it a "lie." Just because they made an offer to somebody else doesn't mean they've made a decision about you. They may have multiple positions that are/could be available to them, and they still have to sort it out.
I agree with the earlier poster, though... There aren't many schools with offers out right now, and they're going to figure out real quick who you are.
To the poster of the original question on the offer, shake it off, it could mean anything or nothing.
And don't listen to the people who are trying to freak you out. As is usual on this blog, they're assuming complete information on the Wiki. There at least 30 jobs not even listed as being open (the smaller research and teaching schools that get no attention on this blog), and at least 5 times as many offers as are listed on the Wiki.
Does anyone have more information on MSU environmental policy/political science position? Like how many people or who have they invited ? The wiki lists that position under "campus interviews." Thank you!
to: 20/11/08 2:23 PM: I would say this is usual. You will most likely hear from them either someone took an offer in a couple of weeks or you will get an offer, They just don't want to let you know that you were their 2nd or 3rd choice when they make an offer to you. I think, in a way, that it is a good intention.
Can someone provide more information about the Harvard freeze? The Crimson says that it's only staff positions in FAS, and not faculty searches, that are under a freeze.
I can't seem to find the Boise State job anywhere I look, but they had two community and regional planning positions open this fall. Has anyone heard anything? I got a request to fill out the usual HR survey and then nothing...
That is such a silly comment. Even if more people in the department were rumored to be on the market a couple months ago, will the state of Kansas really not lift their hiring freeze on the KU PA Department? Wow.
Kansas is one of many dealing with hiring freezes and faculty scanning for greener pastures. I say get in line.
Yeah, to say the least, the hiring freezes, and lack of raises, are going to get people looking. It is also a fantastic time to "poach" faculty from other institutions if yours has the money to do so.
Surely there are as many people who would like to go to KU as there are who would like to leave. Great junior talent there that would be able to attract new blood, yet that may also be looking elsewhere...
Regarding the question about a school that seems to be stringing you along...
This IS usual employer behavior. I received many second round interviews (when they bring in a couple more people after the first choice person declines). They always told me that they were just getting around to interviewing (although clearly not true).
Don't write off the school as dysfunctional (at least based on this). If your application is in the top 5 of a pile of 200 you are in the running regardless of who is brought in first. And the rankings often change as the process progresses (and others' visits go badly). Just hand in there and know that if they are encouraging patience than you have a shot at the job.
The bluwiki reported an offer to someone at American U a couple weeks ago (at least). Did someone take the job? What about names for the other filled positions on the bluwiki?
There is no indication that anyone's salary at UGA is threatened. And the budget issue is moot. Name a state without budget problems. Second, Syracuse has had a massive deficit since long before the downturn.
People move all of the time. People move for a variety of reasons including personal, family, financial and so on. I know it can be fun to speculate about why one would move, but I am not really sure what it contributes to the discussion.
UGA would still have Rainey, O'Toole, Kellough, Brewer, etc...people they all had before Bozeman even set foot on the hallowed grounds of UGA. This is all a bunch of talk over nothing...people move, what a shocker. If the two big names people keep alluding to that might move are Whitford and Bertelli, then just say it. Nothing has been set in stone, and if it has been, then just get it out.
The talk of a single move crippling a department or school is starting to get a little old. How many people have passed through Maxwell or Eggers Hall or SPIA? Yet, they still stand...
On Georgia, if Bozeman leaves it sucks...but how long has he been their anyway? Like UGA wasn't badass before him? Last I heard, they retained Whitford last year too.
On Georgia, if Bozeman leaves it sucks...but how long has he been their anyway? Like UGA wasn't badass before him? Last I heard, they retained Whitford last year too.
The Kennedy School is not part of FAS; they were planning to go forward on this search as of last week, FYI. It's not confirmed that the search is canceled (yet).
What is the mess that the Arizona department is in that people keep refering to? Also, are we talking about ASU or Arizona? Both of them are ok, so whut'z the drama all about?
The short version: The Dean of the Eller College of Management at Arizona (not Arizona State) has proposed the elimination of all PA programs and replacing them with a public management track in the business programs.
I still have serious doubts about Barry Bozeman taking the Bantle Chair position at Syracuse. That job description definitely doesn't seem to be written with him in mind.
Scholars who are perpetually on the job market need to take care the they don't lose all credibility as candidates. When it becomes a salary-boosting game, why should a search committee waste time and effort on them? And why should their present institution invest in them?
I have also not heard from the Sanford health disparities position
this wiki page have to scroll forever, can we try moving more to the poli sci job rumors board until the public policy discussion area, much easier to read
7:14, that's not what I said. Sure, top scholars are always potential candidates anywhere. And it's fun to get invitations to apply. But I'm talking about the people who DO apply - the ones who play the market every year. I know one search committee member who tells me he avoids those people because their credibility is shot. That's the backlash I'm talking about.
Re: 11:55 AM, I think the less we look and act like the poli sci job blog/wiki, the better. 99% of the content on the poli sci rumors blog is pure dross.
I agree with 1:22--I read through 100 posts on whether or not to send a thank you note. Although passages were entertaining, it is time I'd rather have back!
1:01 PM: What an odd pair of comments. Does your SC friend invite people to apply who have lost credibility? Opportunities arise for people (including you I hope).
Let's get back to job rumors! What's going on with the CU-Denver positions?
On CU-Denver, I heard from a few senior faculty outside the uni that they were targeting associates and fulls as they were very serious about bringing in people with a few years of solid experience.
I heard the same about CU-Denver...strange though that they had 5 positions and haven't landed anyone yet. Maybe they will dip into the Assistant pile or start taking new apps.
I know a few associates who were approached by CU-Denver. One problem is that many associates are living in places where selling a house will be tough. The housing market and economy may make hiring senior people hard - while entry-level hires may not be home owners and currently more mobile.
7:23 AM, what's your definition of "lost credibility"? I understand that if someone has changed places for three times in last six years, many schools would be hesitant to hire her/him. However, as long as one is strong enough or there are good reasons, I do not see anything wrong if one is always on the market.
CU-Denver approached me and I am an assistant (2nd year). I got the impression that they want people with a couple of years of experience - but not necessarily limited to associates or fulls.
7:23, what's odd about the comments? I'm relaying information I hear from SC members, so they are what they are. How much search committee experience do you have? You do know that most applicants invite themselves, right?
55-75 is the range I've heard, though at a B school or public affairs school you might get 80+. Research support is highly variable. More and more lately, at least in my experience, it's got strings (like working on a silly state transportation grant), which makes it a waste of time. Better to just save your money accordingly and dole out your 9 month salary to yourself over 12 months. Some schools pay over 12 months, too.
Budget/finance always will be at least simmering if not hot due to external options and low supply. Every MPA program with a non-profit focus, though, has students knocking down the doors to take it. Non-profit is hot and will get hotter due to extraordinary demand.
I am at a PA program at a typical Research Univ. Summer support includes 1/9 for teaching a summer class (in my opinion, not worth the $), and research pay is unlimited (or rather limited by one's ability to get money). I bring in 2-3 months through grants and contracts each year. If I reach a fourth month, I buy out of a class at 1/9 of my salary.
If you are on the market and get an offer from a place that does not allow these types of self-earning systems, you can put it into your contract.
Other things to consider in your first contract: a limit on the number of new preps - e.g for a 2-2 with only new 1 prep per semester, summer pay conditions, a budget for computer and software, travel support, etc
17/12/08 5:59 AM, thanks a lot for your information. I have a question regarding the defition of 2-2. Does it mean a teaching load of 12 credits (three four-credit courses or four three-credit courses) per year?
It seems that tenure track facutly members are usually allocated a 2-2 load. I also know that one-year or two-year teaching load reduction may be available (1-2 or even 1-1 per year). Is my understanding correct?
I'm not 17/12/08 5:59 AM, but I can answer. A 2-2 is customary for a large research university. Smaller research universities and teaching-oriented colleges generally are a 3-3 at minimum. Some are 4-4. I've seen 4-5.
Yes, the number usually refers to the number of SECTIONS you teach per semester, but someone once told me that some small teaching colleges mandate the number of COURSES you teach, which could lead to teaching more than 3 or 4 sections (eg 2 sections of 1 course, 1 section of 2 others, for a total of 4 sections despite a "3-3" load). If true, you obviously wouldn't want to work at such a place.
Be careful interpreting course loads. A 2-2 where you teach one upper division course of 25 students and one introductory class of 80 students counts as two courses in many places. However, some places delimit the sections by some institutional course number, e.g., 35 students constitutes one course; so, in this case, one course with 80 students would count as your two courses. Still, other places with the "student limit" count your large sections according to the number of teaching assistants you have, i.e., if you have a section of 80 students and four teaching assistants, it gets counted as one course (on the logic that teaching assistants help you cope with the large number of students, which is debateable as it discounts the work you do with the teaching assistants [no ill will, just raising it as a consideration]). This is something you should ask about if you have checked out the place and find large intro course sections on the site. Also, some places use FTEs (full time equivalents) as the delimit for courses, so you can also ask if these are used in the number of courses taught calculation.
My 2 cents... Negotiable and possible at an R1 school: - course reduction of one or two courses your first semester. Most likely if you come in ABD, less likely if you have degree in hand. - Summer support for at least two years (my school pays 12% of salary) - travel (for conferences, not your personal research; this is meant to be an opportunity to give papers and recruit students) - moving allowance - computer allowance - spousal placement - cap on new course preps
Not usually negotiable: -- book allowance (does anyone get this?)
Also watch out for 'moonlighting' rules at public universities. The state legislature will often specify what kind of outside contractual work you can do. And as you gain seniority, you will be under pressure to add university overhead to your external contracts, and to hire doctoral student RAs.
Also keep in mind that there's a strong inclination toward equity decisions so that even if you have a good case for one of these negotiable items, the school making the offer won't do it if they don't have a tradition of doing it.
This is great discussion. I'd also like to add that I work at a private university but we also have strong guidelines regulating "moonlighting." No matter where you are, it's almost never worth the money, as it will inevitably pull from your primary teaching and research duties, and your colleagues (especially department chairs/deans) will only tolerate so much of it.
2:26--thanks! I have to agree there has to be a better way to organize this so sidebar conversations can occur while others can go directly to updates.
A top policy school may offer $80-90K/9months to an economics Ph.D. With summer support included, the annual compensation may reach the six-digit level, which is of course rare but not unheard of for junior APs.
Fellow wiki viewers, please delete those schools under the Interviewing section of the wiki that are no longer interviewing. I.e. places with only one position that have already filled the position but are still listed under 'interviewing'. I'd like to know at which places there's still hope.
Wow, you'd think people would be less snippy. You are colleagues people! As a little holiday message to 4:58--don't give up hope yet! It is far too early. Many schools aren't looking at applications until January, and those that have multiple positions usually look to fill the more senior positions first (assuming you're a jr.). Good luck!
Re: App St MPA Director's Job--You may want to inquire with the seach cmte chair on this one to see where they stand, not so much in the search process, but in the prospects of being able to hire the position this year.
Most schools in NC are under budget reversion requests (some up to 6%). This makes a freeze or delay highly likely for any position deemed "not critical", or means an answer of yes to the dean's question "can you get by another year with an interim director?"
Man, Kansas is taking some serious hits this year. Between mobile juniors and seniors approaching retirement, it'll be interesting to see what that department will look like in the next couple of years.
Kansas will be fine, provided the state allows them to fill at least some positions. Even in a hiring freeze, there's a point at which hiring is mission critical. If they thaw a couple of lines, they'll fill them. I've got plenty of students who need a good job.
#1 There don't seem to be many positions in p.a. for methodologists. #2 Do a search for key words to help you find your topic. #3 A mass exodus does not mean the place is bad. Sometimes it means that the people had such great reputations that they were wooed away. Remember, when being interviewed, you are interviewing the school also. #4 UT-Arlington is closed.
The only things we might have learned on this blog since December 18th are that Appalachian State may or may not still be hiring an MPA director because the state is in budget trouble and that UT-Arlington has closed its search. Wow! What a great source of job market rumors!
You have to check out the Wiki. It's much more updated than this blog. See: AU hired Newbold (UT-Dallas, Virginia Tech PhD)and Stazyk (Kansas ABD).
Preface: I am not complaining or whining. I'm looking for advice.
Question: I'm not at a top-10 Ph.D. program, and it's pretty clear that students from Georgia, Syracuse, Indiana, and Kansas get the first look for any junior AP position. How "handicapped" am I by not being at one of these schools? Is there anything I can do about it?
Anyone have a sense what is happening at Wagner (NYU)? The wiki lists at least one of the 3-4 positions having started the interview process, but what about the others?
And how about Pitt? Haven't heard anything about them either.
I have a feeling this is going to be the week when things heat up. Last year this is when the "second round" really got started (some of my colleagues didn't fly out until Feb and are now in TT jobs). I read about some movement on UMass Boston on the polisci board, but I know they hadn't moved on their jr position yet.
Just a note on CU-Denver. The positions were created as a result of some earmarks designated for a specialized terrorism focused policy degree. Only hangup was that CU-Denver has to work out an agreement with CU-Springs before the money can be used for any faculty lines, etc. so far that agreement has not happened. Until it does those positions are "wishful thinking".
I also hear that none of those offers (or at least two) are about terrorism whatsoever, so I am quite curious about the post about terrorism policy. By the way, if you remember, most of those jobs had been earmarked for education policy, health policy, non-profits, and state and local.
11:05 what can you do?.. publish!! You may not get a job in a top school, but you can publish your way up into a good school and still have a productive and rewarding career...
I agree re: 11:05. If you are ABD without a lot of publications, it is very unlikely that you will be hired by a top school if you are not a student at a top school. I don't say this to be hurtful or insulting - I don't think it says anything about your potential that you are not at one of the schools you mention - but I think it's important to have realistic expectations about the job market.
Every hire is a risk, and search committees (rightly or wrongly) seem to think that hiring from a top program is less of a risk, all else equal. Exceptions that I have seen: particularly hard-to-fill lines in areas like finance/budgeting and sometimes nonprofits, and women/candidates of color in departments where diversity is particularly low.
If you don't get into the top school you're wanting, my advice is to go to a school with the lowest possible teaching load (a number of schools that don't crack the Top 50 offer 2-2 loads). Publish as much as you can, and go on the market in three years. It will still matter where you did your doctoral work, but it will matter a whole lot less.
The publishing advice is good and pretty much correct. ABDs or new PhDs with publications are preferable to those without - regardless of where they graduate. PhD students out of GA, Ind, Syracuse who do not publish don't typically do well on the market. If you publish - you will be competitive.
I am ABD. Soon, I will be headed for interviews for junior faculty positions. Should I expect hiring committee members to have read the papers I published? Typically, will they have thumbed through them, read the abstract or just counted the number of articles I published?
Re: SC reading your papers. Regardless of responses to your question, prepare as if they have!
Realistically, it will vary by institution and committee members. For example, expect your stuff to be read by top schools. As you venture down from top to bottom, the less likely committee member read these; like you observe, the farther from the top, the more likely you will have people skim, thumb through, and count. However, that said, know your committee members (if you can) as younger more active scholars at "lesser schools" can make you look silly (unintentionally, for the most part) by asking you something about your research; they could actually be interested in your research and, given the dept, could simply like to have a scholarly conversation. But, as we all know too well, sometimes these faculty undermine candidates in an effort to demonstrate how "good" they are, which of course, paradoxically, they are not (or they would be somewhere better).
Just prepare for each interview as if your work is being read. You may want to check cv's to see if any faculty are doing similar research.
Having served on many search committees, I remain amazed at the number of candidates that do not prepare themselves on the university or department they supposedly want to become a part of in the future. Demonstrate interest in the place as an interview is for both the dept and candidate to evaluate the other, so a candidate that doesn't seem interested in the place can lower their standing among all candidates. Ask general questions about the department, the university, the administration, the students, the area, etc., so that you at least appear interested even though you may not.
Back to CU-Denver: Believe what you may-- but straight from the horse's mouth-- these positions are a result of an earmark for homeland security Ph.D. program development. Part of that includes EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT, ETC. The PhD program is split with CU-Springs. SEE the chronicle for earmarks: University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Defense $3,200,000 to implement a Homeland Security Ph.D. program Rep. Lamborn (R, Colo.) Rep. Udall (D, Colo.) Sen. Allard (R, Colo.) Sen. Salazar (D, Colo.)
OP on not being at a top Ph.D. program here. Thanks, everyone for the insights and encouragement.
For the professors on here, please encourage your students to apply only to top programs. I didn't get that advice--I thought a Ph.D. is a Ph.D.--and I'm paying for it.
Let me offer a counterpoint: I'm at a top program and I'm also paying for it. It is not all I thought it was cracked up to be and I am finding myself more disillusioned with my choice on a daily basis. Some people say I'll still be better off for having earned my PhD from such a reputable school and program, but it is unfortunate that it has to be under these circumstances.
In the end, I guess beggars still can't be choosers.
Yegad - I'm from a top school, at a top school, and I'd NEVER tell me students to apply only to 'top' programs, whatever that means. I happen to live in a town with a great quality of life, but not all top programs offer great communities, or great employment opportunities for the trailing spouse, or great colleagues, or whatever. My suggestion to any student would be to apply to the schools they can happily live with, with full knowledge of how that might translate to increased teaching load, fewer/greater opportunities down the line, and so on. People pick schools and communities for many many different reasons, and the right fit is about much more than the academic prestige of the program. Last I noticed, Sally Selden looked pretty happy to me....
Given the poster's tone, I believe s/he meant that we should advise students interested in doctoral work to apply only to the best. Not that we should encourage doctoral students to apply for jobs at only the highest ranked places.
And to the disillusioned one, better disillusioned with a great degree than disillusioned--or even illusioned--with a not-so-great degree. And not to minimize your concerns, but disillusionment in academia is almost always the product of unrealistic or mistaken expectations. There's a good piece in this week's chronicle on this topic from the faculty side.
I knew someone would mention something about expectations (unrealistic or otherwise) but frankly, I didn't want to sound presumptuous in my initial post.
I was very thorough and apprehensive in all of my dealings with my respective schools, and the faculty I spoke with on the terms agreed to is what left me with the impression and expectations I had. When I actually started the program, it was as if they were all different people. I feel that many of the faculty didn't hold up their end of the bargain.
Four years later, I'm still here. It's been hell at times, but I'll finish and I won't necessarily look back. I will concede that my prospects will probably be better with a degree from here, but I have to look to the future, because if I look back, I'll surely just sink into a depression.
WHO CARES? Come ON, people. The funds for those positions probably did come from the earmark identified by 2:50's post. Just like everything else, CU-Denver shifted the money around a bit to make hires where they needed them. Now, who wants to tell us who CU-Denver hired? THAT is much more interesting.
Holy Sh*t! I would hate to be on that committee. Truth be known, with so few jobs, I bet half can be easily eliminated as "not in field." But, that still leaves ~150 files to go through!
Any word on who accepted jobs at College of Charleston, East Carolina, Valdosta State, and Texas Tech? I know I didn't get these, so was wondering who did.
Any thoughts/rumors about second wave o market -- those spring semester jobs coming available?
It seems like many of these jobs will be "second round". Is there just no news? As 1:33 mentioned, there are a lot of jobs on the wiki that aren't spoken for. What's the word?
I am hearing some WEIRD, WEIRD stuff going on with the Arizona situation that ultimately looks glum for the folks in Tucson. Any news on whats happening with the program? Anyone else think Arizona's just about the worst place for higher ed right now?
Arizona is not the worst place for education, necessarily, but the political situation there is not helping any right now. I beg to differ with Mr./Ms. "Hands Down."
^got it. Went back and looked at the ad again and realized it was the sr. position. Thanks.
^^I gathered that much. Since it was readvertised (knowing that the original ad was early last fall), I was wondering if someone was offered/accepted/backed out/etc., or, do they have some univ/dept issues (e.g., are not attracting candidates, pay is low, budget issues, etc.)?
I don't believe specific lines were ever open at either ASU or UA. What has happened there with the state budget cuts is horrible. Absolutely horrible. The previous comments about whether Arizona is the worst state in the union for higher ed...well, it's slouching toward that. I hate to drag politics into this, but the Republicans in the House and Senate there are so sickeningly partisan that they truly don't care if they harm the university system.
I agree with the above poster. But let me set some facts down.
First, the U. of A. and ASU have been under a hiring freeze since the fall. That should be apparent, but our Public Administration and Policy Program was fully staffed and was not hiring this year anyway.
Second, and most important. As it stands now our program at the U. of A. is no longer in jeopardy of being cut. Two associate deans have been working with us to put numbers on the table. We are profitable to the university and our college. We are likely to be more profitable in the future. Our student body is among the most diverse in the entire university...and we are a quality program. We explored every option including a proposal for a new School of Government and Public Policy. That may still be in the cards now. Last, we have a very loyal and helpful group of supporters and alums who kept us alive during the fall.
I am not saying we are out of the woods, given the cuts, but our prospects are no where near as dim as some have reported.
I just needed to set the record straight.
Dr. Roger Hartley Associate Professor University of Arizona
By the way, last semester, I served as Interim Director of our Program when it was indeed under fire. I worked with Brint Milward who was "hardly" on sabattical, our faculty, our staff, and our students. We pulled together, we created opportunities where there were initially none. We worked harder than I ever imagined, and because of it, our faculty have never been closer.
We are a tough bunch, but we had the arguments on our side.
I don't think it matters much. Many of the fellow profs I know to my great surprise didn't get hired their first year on the market. It is a tough market this year, and it may take a few to get the TT job. Just take the year and use it wisely--publish publish!
I'm not the OP on "not getting a job", but here's a follow-up: How can I take a year to "publish publish!" if I have no choice but to graduate? I'll have no affiliation. I don't think "First Last, Starbucks" would look good on an article header.
And before we get bogged down in a "why do you have to graduate?" discussion, I just do. I've been here 5 years and the cash-strapped department isn't about to let me put off defending my 99% complete dissertation just because there are no jobs.
^^I'm in a similar boat, as I have to graduate now, but I took an adjunct position so I could get some teaching experience in my discipline and have an affiliation while I try to get a TT job. Even teaching one course gets you that--you may want to consider it. Also, might your uni keep you on as a research associate part time? If you are on a big project and made yourself invaluable, that might be another avenue.
Right - if it's a bad market year, surely your department would hire you on to teach at least *one* course per semester. I agree, keeping the affiliation (any affiliation, really) is a good thing.
1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»To start the ball rolling on the new comment section... Looks like (according to the wiki) Hamidullah (an UGA ABD) has been offered the Rutgers PM position.
Have we converted from academic to calendar years? I don't get why we're on 09-10.
...because the jobs that people get this year will start in the 2009-2010 academic year. A lot of fields talk about the market in these terms, instead of in terms of the year of the interview.
Ah. Understood. Always good to be on par!
A school that apparently isn't aware that people talk to each other told me to keep patient as they haven't yet made a decision, but I know firsthand that they made an offer. Obviously, they're trying to string me along.
The question: Do I ignore this as usual employer behavior, or do I take the lie as an indicator that I don't want to be there?
They know for sure that you are talking about them on a blog.
I would be careful about calling it a "lie." Just because they made an offer to somebody else doesn't mean they've made a decision about you. They may have multiple positions that are/could be available to them, and they still have to sort it out.
I agree with the earlier poster, though... There aren't many schools with offers out right now, and they're going to figure out real quick who you are.
To the poster of the original question on the offer, shake it off, it could mean anything or nothing.
And don't listen to the people who are trying to freak you out. As is usual on this blog, they're assuming complete information on the Wiki. There at least 30 jobs not even listed as being open (the smaller research and teaching schools that get no attention on this blog), and at least 5 times as many offers as are listed on the Wiki.
Does anyone have more information on MSU environmental policy/political science position? Like how many people or who have they invited ? The wiki lists that position under "campus interviews." Thank you!
to: 20/11/08 2:23 PM: I would say this is usual. You will most likely hear from them either someone took an offer in a couple of weeks or you will get an offer, They just don't want to let you know that you were their 2nd or 3rd choice when they make an offer to you. I think, in a way, that it is a good intention.
Is West Virginia going to pull its lines?
From the Political Science Wiki and other sources: Hiring at Kansas is frozen.
Add Harvard to the hiring freeze list.
and take SUNY Albany off.
Can someone provide more information about the Harvard freeze? The Crimson says that it's only staff positions in FAS, and not faculty searches, that are under a freeze.
Who got offered the Rutgers-Newark 2nd public management position?
I heard it was Sajay Pandey..but could be wrong
Sanjay did not get the second offer.
Why would we take SUNY Albany off the postponed/canceled list? All sources indicate the position's been at least delayed.
Poli sci wiki folks are indicating things are back on at the SUNYs...
I don't know that Sanjay was ever REALLY considering leaving Kansas, truth be told...
If its not Sanjay then who got offered the Rutgers-Newark job? Is this a false rumor that they offered the second public management job to someone?
Pandey must have been pretty serious about leaving KU, because he did take the Rutgers job. Poster who said he didn't was incorrect.
I can't seem to find the Boise State job anywhere I look, but they had two community and regional planning positions open this fall. Has anyone heard anything? I got a request to fill out the usual HR survey and then nothing...
I've heard multiple rumors that Ohio State has been interviewing and may have even made offers. Can anyone validate?
Indiana SPEA started interviewing for several positions this week.
Any more info on KU?
KU is definitely not hiring this year. Emails were sent to (some) candidates telling them the position had been canceled b/c of budget.
Even if the rumors at APPAM are true? That more KU faculty are on the market?
That is such a silly comment. Even if more people in the department were rumored to be on the market a couple months ago, will the state of Kansas really not lift their hiring freeze on the KU PA Department? Wow.
Kansas is one of many dealing with hiring freezes and faculty scanning for greener pastures. I say get in line.
Yeah, to say the least, the hiring freezes, and lack of raises, are going to get people looking. It is also a fantastic time to "poach" faculty from other institutions if yours has the money to do so.
Oh I know that sounded bad, but....
Any news on the IUPUI Associate Dean Search?
Surely there are as many people who would like to go to KU as there are who would like to leave. Great junior talent there that would be able to attract new blood, yet that may also be looking elsewhere...
Who did the American offer go to?
Did anyone hear from UT-San Antonio?
People use the word "great" too much on this blog.
Regarding the question about a school that seems to be stringing you along...
This IS usual employer behavior. I received many second round interviews (when they bring in a couple more people after the first choice person declines). They always told me that they were just getting around to interviewing (although clearly not true).
Don't write off the school as dysfunctional (at least based on this). If your application is in the top 5 of a pile of 200 you are in the running regardless of who is brought in first. And the rankings often change as the process progresses (and others' visits go badly). Just hand in there and know that if they are encouraging patience than you have a shot at the job.
People also post too many useless comments...
And don't take SUNY Albany off. They have interviews scheduled. They are apparently filling the positions.
In addition to the random comments, whatever happened to the rumors?
The bluwiki reported an offer to someone at American U a couple weeks ago (at least). Did someone take the job? What about names for the other filled positions on the bluwiki?
Have heard that American offer went to a KU grad student, though it would be unusual for the process to take this long with a student.
A little bird has told me that Bozeman is very, very close to taking the Bantle Chair at SU. Goodbye Athens, hello lake effect!
Whoa! That is HUGE. I hear that UGA may lose at least two other heavy-hitters. These budget cuts could really dampen a once great department.
A huge gain for SU if it happens. It will really help the 'Cuse rebuild their PhD program.
There's a hiring freeze, but UGA's PA budget hasn't been cut. People occasionally switch jobs. *gasp*
I heard the State of Georgia has real budget problems.
I heard the same thing. Multiple positions gone. Can't imagine this is what is driving Bozeman out. An earlier post said he has two chairs.
There is no indication that anyone's salary at UGA is threatened. And the budget issue is moot. Name a state without budget problems. Second, Syracuse has had a massive deficit since long before the downturn.
People move all of the time. People move for a variety of reasons including personal, family, financial and so on. I know it can be fun to speculate about why one would move, but I am not really sure what it contributes to the discussion.
Harvard's hiring freeze now applies to faculty.
UGA would still have Rainey, O'Toole, Kellough, Brewer, etc...people they all had before Bozeman even set foot on the hallowed grounds of UGA. This is all a bunch of talk over nothing...people move, what a shocker. If the two big names people keep alluding to that might move are Whitford and Bertelli, then just say it. Nothing has been set in stone, and if it has been, then just get it out.
The talk of a single move crippling a department or school is starting to get a little old. How many people have passed through Maxwell or Eggers Hall or SPIA? Yet, they still stand...
Confirmed: Brint Milward to USC.
Sucks for Arizona...especially in light of the current mess they're in.
Huge gain for Southern California.
Wanger and Kellow are the big names
Or...Wenger and Kellough? Hmmm. Interesting.
Arizona is in a world of hurt if Milward leaves. Holy cow!
I am hearing that this rumor about Milward is strickly BS.
Shit...what a shuffling of deck chairs in higher ed.
Good grief!!!!
On Georgia, if Bozeman leaves it sucks...but how long has he been their anyway? Like UGA wasn't badass before him? Last I heard, they retained Whitford last year too.
Keep having fun.
On Georgia, if Bozeman leaves it sucks...but how long has he been their anyway? Like UGA wasn't badass before him? Last I heard, they retained Whitford last year too.
Keep having fun.
Since when did undergrads start commenting on the blog?
Why is USC at the forefront of bad or hard-to-confirm rumors?
The Kennedy School is not part of FAS; they were planning to go forward on this search as of last week, FYI. It's not confirmed that the search is canceled (yet).
What is the mess that the Arizona department is in that people keep refering to?
Also, are we talking about ASU or Arizona? Both of them are ok, so whut'z the drama all about?
The short version: The Dean of the Eller College of Management at Arizona (not Arizona State) has proposed the elimination of all PA programs and replacing them with a public management track in the business programs.
They are a ranked and accredited School. This is a travesty.
1) Play some catch up re: Arizona. We've hashed and rehashed the issues going on down there.
2) If we meant Arizona State, we would have said Arizona State.
Did someone seriously write "whut'z"?
whut'z it to ya!
I still have serious doubts about Barry Bozeman taking the Bantle Chair position at Syracuse. That job description definitely doesn't seem to be written with him in mind.
UT San Antonio made an offer that was rejected two weeks ago. Don't know what's happened since.
On USC, I hear Bertelli declined the offer and that Milward didn't so much as apply.
Any update on the UC Denver positions? I heard they were bringing people in a few weeks ago.
anyone heard anything from the Duke Sanford Inst. health disparities search?
Anything on App State MPA Director?
12:23 is misinformed.
On what aspect, 7:50?
Check the wiki, 8:21.
The real question then becomes whether or not Bertelli accepts the offer...because it is, in fact, old news.
Any ideas on why was offered the Washington job?
Why is Bertelli so hot here?
Scholars who are perpetually on the job market need to take care the they don't lose all credibility as candidates. When it becomes a salary-boosting game, why should a search committee waste time and effort on them? And why should their present institution invest in them?
Survival of the fittest. Let's be honest here, how many people do you know that chose altruism over taking care of number one first?
Top scholars are always "on the market", if only because schools ask them if they are interested in coming for a visit.
I have also not heard from the Sanford health disparities position
this wiki page have to scroll forever, can we try moving more to the poli sci job rumors board until the public policy discussion area, much easier to read
7:14, that's not what I said. Sure, top scholars are always potential candidates anywhere. And it's fun to get invitations to apply. But I'm talking about the people who DO apply - the ones who play the market every year. I know one search committee member who tells me he avoids those people because their credibility is shot. That's the backlash I'm talking about.
Re: 11:55 AM, I think the less we look and act like the poli sci job blog/wiki, the better. 99% of the content on the poli sci rumors blog is pure dross.
I agree with 1:22--I read through 100 posts on whether or not to send a thank you note. Although passages were entertaining, it is time I'd rather have back! least the political science blog is funny.
1:01 PM: What an odd pair of comments. Does your SC friend invite people to apply who have lost credibility? Opportunities arise for people (including you I hope).
Let's get back to job rumors! What's going on with the CU-Denver positions?
On CU-Denver, I heard from a few senior faculty outside the uni that they were targeting associates and fulls as they were very serious about bringing in people with a few years of solid experience.
I heard the same about CU-Denver...strange though that they had 5 positions and haven't landed anyone yet. Maybe they will dip into the Assistant pile or start taking new apps.
Maybe they are running tenure cases?
I know a few associates who were approached by CU-Denver. One problem is that many associates are living in places where selling a house will be tough. The housing market and economy may make hiring senior people hard - while entry-level hires may not be home owners and currently more mobile.
7:23 AM, what's your definition of "lost credibility"? I understand that if someone has changed places for three times in last six years, many schools would be hesitant to hire her/him. However, as long as one is strong enough or there are good reasons, I do not see anything wrong if one is always on the market.
CU-Denver's finance is still in good shape. It is also a decent place to live.
Any words on USC? They have many positions this year yet no rumors till now except the frequent-flyer case. What's going on there?
Is public finance and budegting still as hot as last year? How about nonprofit?
CU-Denver approached me and I am an assistant (2nd year). I got the impression that they want people with a couple of years of experience - but not necessarily limited to associates or fulls.
And I second, any news on Duke??? They interviewed in January in the past, I know.
7:23, what's odd about the comments? I'm relaying information I hear from SC members, so they are what they are. How much search committee experience do you have? You do know that most applicants invite themselves, right?
I've seen a number of jobs with nonprofit focus. Probably around 40. No idea if that is better or worse than last year.
What's the range of salary for aps in public policy/administration? 55K-85K/9 months?
P.S. Is summer support (2/9 of salary) usually available at research universities?
55-75 is the range I've heard, though at a B school or public affairs school you might get 80+. Research support is highly variable. More and more lately, at least in my experience, it's got strings (like working on a silly state transportation grant), which makes it a waste of time. Better to just save your money accordingly and dole out your 9 month salary to yourself over 12 months. Some schools pay over 12 months, too.
Budget/finance always will be at least simmering if not hot due to external options and low supply. Every MPA program with a non-profit focus, though, has students knocking down the doors to take it. Non-profit is hot and will get hotter due to extraordinary demand.
To 16/12/08 6:06 PM
I am at a PA program at a typical Research Univ. Summer support includes 1/9 for teaching a summer class (in my opinion, not worth the $), and research pay is unlimited (or rather limited by one's ability to get money). I bring in 2-3 months through grants and contracts each year. If I reach a fourth month, I buy out of a class at 1/9 of my salary.
If you are on the market and get an offer from a place that does not allow these types of self-earning systems, you can put it into your contract.
Other things to consider in your first contract: a limit on the number of new preps - e.g for a 2-2 with only new 1 prep per semester, summer pay conditions, a budget for computer and software, travel support, etc
17/12/08 5:59 AM, thanks a lot for your information. I have a question regarding the defition of 2-2. Does it mean a teaching load of 12 credits (three four-credit courses or four three-credit courses) per year?
It seems that tenure track facutly members are usually allocated a 2-2 load. I also know that one-year or two-year teaching load reduction may be available (1-2 or even 1-1 per year). Is my understanding correct?
I'm not 17/12/08 5:59 AM, but I can answer. A 2-2 is customary for a large research university. Smaller research universities and teaching-oriented colleges generally are a 3-3 at minimum. Some are 4-4. I've seen 4-5.
Yes, the number usually refers to the number of SECTIONS you teach per semester, but someone once told me that some small teaching colleges mandate the number of COURSES you teach, which could lead to teaching more than 3 or 4 sections (eg 2 sections of 1 course, 1 section of 2 others, for a total of 4 sections despite a "3-3" load). If true, you obviously wouldn't want to work at such a place.
Be careful interpreting course loads. A 2-2 where you teach one upper division course of 25 students and one introductory class of 80 students counts as two courses in many places. However, some places delimit the sections by some institutional course number, e.g., 35 students constitutes one course; so, in this case, one course with 80 students would count as your two courses. Still, other places with the "student limit" count your large sections according to the number of teaching assistants you have, i.e., if you have a section of 80 students and four teaching assistants, it gets counted as one course (on the logic that teaching assistants help you cope with the large number of students, which is debateable as it discounts the work you do with the teaching assistants [no ill will, just raising it as a consideration]).
This is something you should ask about if you have checked out the place and find large intro course sections on the site. Also, some places use FTEs (full time equivalents) as the delimit for courses, so you can also ask if these are used in the number of courses taught calculation.
My 2 cents... Negotiable and possible at an R1 school:
- course reduction of one or two courses your first semester. Most likely if you come in ABD, less likely if you have degree in hand.
- Summer support for at least two years (my school pays 12% of salary)
- travel (for conferences, not your personal research; this is meant to be an opportunity to give papers and recruit students)
- moving allowance
- computer allowance
- spousal placement
- cap on new course preps
Not usually negotiable:
-- book allowance (does anyone get this?)
Also watch out for 'moonlighting' rules at public universities. The state legislature will often specify what kind of outside contractual work you can do. And as you gain seniority, you will be under pressure to add university overhead to your external contracts, and to hire doctoral student RAs.
Also keep in mind that there's a strong inclination toward equity decisions so that even if you have a good case for one of these negotiable items, the school making the offer won't do it if they don't have a tradition of doing it.
This is great discussion. I'd also like to add that I work at a private university but we also have strong guidelines regulating "moonlighting." No matter where you are, it's almost never worth the money, as it will inevitably pull from your primary teaching and research duties, and your colleagues (especially department chairs/deans) will only tolerate so much of it.
Sorry to interject, but any word on College of Charleston's position? GA Tech?
2:26--thanks! I have to agree there has to be a better way to organize this so sidebar conversations can occur while others can go directly to updates.
A top policy school may offer $80-90K/9months to an economics Ph.D. With summer support included, the annual compensation may reach the six-digit level, which is of course rare but not unheard of for junior APs.
Fellow wiki viewers, please delete those schools under the Interviewing section of the wiki that are no longer interviewing. I.e. places with only one position that have already filled the position but are still listed under 'interviewing'. I'd like to know at which places there's still hope.
3:43, it's called "scrolling"
Wow, you'd think people would be less snippy. You are colleagues people! As a little holiday message to 4:58--don't give up hope yet! It is far too early. Many schools aren't looking at applications until January, and those that have multiple positions usually look to fill the more senior positions first (assuming you're a jr.). Good luck!
What about the salary range at a 3/3 teaching-orientied university?
55-65, and life is considerably less enjoyable. Been there.
'tis the season...and with that spirit, how about some updates. Charleston? Pitt? UMBC?
How about IUPUI Associate Dean job?
What happened to the App State MPA Director job?
Re: App St MPA Director's Job--You may want to inquire with the seach cmte chair on this one to see where they stand, not so much in the search process, but in the prospects of being able to hire the position this year.
Most schools in NC are under budget reversion requests (some up to 6%). This makes a freeze or delay highly likely for any position deemed "not critical", or means an answer of yes to the dean's question "can you get by another year with an interim director?"
So, Bertelli accepted USC?
Man, Kansas is taking some serious hits this year. Between mobile juniors and seniors approaching retirement, it'll be interesting to see what that department will look like in the next couple of years.
Any update on Portland State's nonprofit focus PA search?
Kansas will be fine, provided the state allows them to fill at least some positions. Even in a hiring freeze, there's a point at which hiring is mission critical. If they thaw a couple of lines, they'll fill them. I've got plenty of students who need a good job.
28/12/08 9:07 AM
Re: App State
#1 There don't seem to be many positions in p.a. for methodologists.
#2 Do a search for key words to help you find your topic.
#3 A mass exodus does not mean the place is bad. Sometimes it means that the people had such great reputations that they were wooed away. Remember, when being interviewed, you are interviewing the school also.
#4 UT-Arlington is closed.
7:38...the key question is, do you have plenty of GOOD students?
For God's sake, who got the 3-year-old offer from American?
The only things we might have learned on this blog since December 18th are that Appalachian State may or may not still be hiring an MPA director because the state is in budget trouble and that UT-Arlington has closed its search. Wow! What a great source of job market rumors!
C'mon AU grad students, answer that last post!
You have to check out the Wiki. It's much more updated than this blog. See: AU hired Newbold (UT-Dallas, Virginia Tech PhD)and Stazyk (Kansas ABD).
Preface: I am not complaining or whining. I'm looking for advice.
Question: I'm not at a top-10 Ph.D. program, and it's pretty clear that students from Georgia, Syracuse, Indiana, and Kansas get the first look for any junior AP position. How "handicapped" am I by not being at one of these schools? Is there anything I can do about it?
Anyone have a sense what is happening at Wagner (NYU)? The wiki lists at least one of the 3-4 positions having started the interview process, but what about the others?
And how about Pitt? Haven't heard anything about them either.
I have a feeling this is going to be the week when things heat up. Last year this is when the "second round" really got started (some of my colleagues didn't fly out until Feb and are now in TT jobs). I read about some movement on UMass Boston on the polisci board, but I know they hadn't moved on their jr position yet.
Just a note on CU-Denver. The positions were created as a result of some earmarks designated for a specialized terrorism focused policy degree. Only hangup was that CU-Denver has to work out an agreement with CU-Springs before the money can be used for any faculty lines, etc. so far that agreement has not happened. Until it does those positions are "wishful thinking".
If that's true about Denver, it's just bullshit that they created all that buzz by prematurely parading 5 jobs in this horrendous market.
Pretty damn shady.
CU-Denver has communicated at least two offers.
I hear that 4 CU Denver offers are out and under consideration.
I also hear that none of those offers (or at least two) are about terrorism whatsoever, so I am quite curious about the post about terrorism policy. By the way, if you remember, most of those jobs had been earmarked for education policy, health policy, non-profits, and state and local.
Could be a troll. I wouldn't take it seriously.
11:05 what can you do?.. publish!!
You may not get a job in a top school, but you can publish your way up into a good school and still have a productive and rewarding career...
I agree re: 11:05. If you are ABD without a lot of publications, it is very unlikely that you will be hired by a top school if you are not a student at a top school. I don't say this to be hurtful or insulting - I don't think it says anything about your potential that you are not at one of the schools you mention - but I think it's important to have realistic expectations about the job market.
Every hire is a risk, and search committees (rightly or wrongly) seem to think that hiring from a top program is less of a risk, all else equal. Exceptions that I have seen: particularly hard-to-fill lines in areas like finance/budgeting and sometimes nonprofits, and women/candidates of color in departments where diversity is particularly low.
If you don't get into the top school you're wanting, my advice is to go to a school with the lowest possible teaching load (a number of schools that don't crack the Top 50 offer 2-2 loads). Publish as much as you can, and go on the market in three years. It will still matter where you did your doctoral work, but it will matter a whole lot less.
To: 11:05
The publishing advice is good and pretty much correct. ABDs or new PhDs with publications are preferable to those without - regardless of where they graduate. PhD students out of GA, Ind, Syracuse who do not publish don't typically do well on the market. If you publish - you will be competitive.
I am looking for a piece of advice.
I am ABD. Soon, I will be headed for interviews for junior faculty positions. Should I expect hiring committee members to have read the papers I published? Typically, will they have thumbed through them, read the abstract or just counted the number of articles I published?
Re: SC reading your papers.
Regardless of responses to your question, prepare as if they have!
Realistically, it will vary by institution and committee members. For example, expect your stuff to be read by top schools. As you venture down from top to bottom, the less likely committee member read these; like you observe, the farther from the top, the more likely you will have people skim, thumb through, and count. However, that said, know your committee members (if you can) as younger more active scholars at "lesser schools" can make you look silly (unintentionally, for the most part) by asking you something about your research; they could actually be interested in your research and, given the dept, could simply like to have a scholarly conversation. But, as we all know too well, sometimes these faculty undermine candidates in an effort to demonstrate how "good" they are, which of course, paradoxically, they are not (or they would be somewhere better).
Just prepare for each interview as if your work is being read. You may want to check cv's to see if any faculty are doing similar research.
Having served on many search committees, I remain amazed at the number of candidates that do not prepare themselves on the university or department they supposedly want to become a part of in the future. Demonstrate interest in the place as an interview is for both the dept and candidate to evaluate the other, so a candidate that doesn't seem interested in the place can lower their standing among all candidates. Ask general questions about the department, the university, the administration, the students, the area, etc., so that you at least appear interested even though you may not.
Back to CU-Denver: Believe what you may-- but straight from the horse's mouth-- these positions are a result of an earmark for homeland security Ph.D. program development. Part of that includes EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENT, ETC. The PhD program is split with CU-Springs. SEE the chronicle for earmarks: University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Defense $3,200,000 to implement a Homeland Security Ph.D. program Rep. Lamborn (R, Colo.)
Rep. Udall (D, Colo.)
Sen. Allard (R, Colo.)
Sen. Salazar (D, Colo.)
Fascinating...might have been nice if the job ads had said this...but maybe there is wiggle room for the hires.
OP on not being at a top Ph.D. program here. Thanks, everyone for the insights and encouragement.
For the professors on here, please encourage your students to apply only to top programs. I didn't get that advice--I thought a Ph.D. is a Ph.D.--and I'm paying for it.
Let me offer a counterpoint: I'm at a top program and I'm also paying for it. It is not all I thought it was cracked up to be and I am finding myself more disillusioned with my choice on a daily basis. Some people say I'll still be better off for having earned my PhD from such a reputable school and program, but it is unfortunate that it has to be under these circumstances.
In the end, I guess beggars still can't be choosers.
Yegad - I'm from a top school, at a top school, and I'd NEVER tell me students to apply only to 'top' programs, whatever that means. I happen to live in a town with a great quality of life, but not all top programs offer great communities, or great employment opportunities for the trailing spouse, or great colleagues, or whatever. My suggestion to any student would be to apply to the schools they can happily live with, with full knowledge of how that might translate to increased teaching load, fewer/greater opportunities down the line, and so on. People pick schools and communities for many many different reasons, and the right fit is about much more than the academic prestige of the program. Last I noticed, Sally Selden looked pretty happy to me....
Given the poster's tone, I believe s/he meant that we should advise students interested in doctoral work to apply only to the best. Not that we should encourage doctoral students to apply for jobs at only the highest ranked places.
And to the disillusioned one, better disillusioned with a great degree than disillusioned--or even illusioned--with a not-so-great degree. And not to minimize your concerns, but disillusionment in academia is almost always the product of unrealistic or mistaken expectations. There's a good piece in this week's chronicle on this topic from the faculty side.
Disillusioned student here.
I knew someone would mention something about expectations (unrealistic or otherwise) but frankly, I didn't want to sound presumptuous in my initial post.
I was very thorough and apprehensive in all of my dealings with my respective schools, and the faculty I spoke with on the terms agreed to is what left me with the impression and expectations I had. When I actually started the program, it was as if they were all different people. I feel that many of the faculty didn't hold up their end of the bargain.
Four years later, I'm still here. It's been hell at times, but I'll finish and I won't necessarily look back. I will concede that my prospects will probably be better with a degree from here, but I have to look to the future, because if I look back, I'll surely just sink into a depression.
2:50pm How do you explain the CU-Denver offers that have been made?
WHO CARES? Come ON, people. The funds for those positions probably did come from the earmark identified by 2:50's post. Just like everything else, CU-Denver shifted the money around a bit to make hires where they needed them. Now, who wants to tell us who CU-Denver hired? THAT is much more interesting.
Any word/rumors on jobs at universities not in Colorado? Come on, shoveling snow is overrated. What's up with UC Santa Barbara? Irvine?
Nothing going on in the PA job market?
Re: NYU. More than 300 apps received for environmental.
Holy Sh*t! I would hate to be on that committee. Truth be known, with so few jobs, I bet half can be easily eliminated as "not in field." But, that still leaves ~150 files to go through!
Why does everyone say there's so "few" jobs out there? Am I mistaken, or is there a very long list of open positions on the Wiki?
Any word on who accepted jobs at College of Charleston, East Carolina, Valdosta State, and Texas Tech? I know I didn't get these, so was wondering who did.
Any thoughts/rumors about second wave o market -- those spring semester jobs coming available?
It seems like many of these jobs will be "second round". Is there just no news? As 1:33 mentioned, there are a lot of jobs on the wiki that aren't spoken for. What's the word?
ECU is still inviting candidates down to interview for the AP position. They hired someone and he/she bolted at the last minute.
I am hearing some WEIRD, WEIRD stuff going on with the Arizona situation that ultimately looks glum for the folks in Tucson. Any news on whats happening with the program? Anyone else think Arizona's just about the worst place for higher ed right now?
On Arizona, I am hearing that they are very much still alive and surviving. No decisions made. Lots of options.
Yes Arizona is the worst place for higher education in America...hands down.
Arizona is not the worst place for education, necessarily, but the political situation there is not helping any right now. I beg to differ with Mr./Ms. "Hands Down."
NYU has begun interviewing for several of their positions
Who is NYU interviewing and for what positions?
Why did Texas Tech repost their job ad? Does anyone know what is going on with that job?
Any other job news?
I don't know Texas Tech's particular circumstances, but that usually means re-opening a search due to no hire.
Only Texas Tech's senior position has been reposted.
^got it. Went back and looked at the ad again and realized it was the sr. position. Thanks.
^^I gathered that much. Since it was readvertised (knowing that the original ad was early last fall), I was wondering if someone was offered/accepted/backed out/etc., or, do they have some univ/dept issues (e.g., are not attracting candidates, pay is low, budget issues, etc.)?
In this economy, don't worry about why no hire was made. You can always leave a bad job.
Who landed the SUNY Albany job? Congrats!
^^Exactly! This is precisely why the question was asked (knowing the current economic/job environment).
The position is looking for someone very specific.... applicants haven't been great fits yet.... No interviews have even been scheduled....
Any word on GW's enviro position?
Univ of Oregon has sent out at least one rejection letter, don't know where they are in the process beyond that.
Can anyone tell me how things are going in the U. Texas system? UT-Dallas, UT-Arlington? Are budgets horrible? Ok? Salaries competitive?
Cornell reports on its inability to fill a position - the three year search continues:
"Politics dept. continues search for new professor"by JD Redmond.
ASU and UA are in deep trouble now. Do they hire this year?
What has changed with ASU and UA?
Given the proposed budget cuts at ASU and UA, why are you asking whether they will hire this year?
I don't believe specific lines were ever open at either ASU or UA. What has happened there with the state budget cuts is horrible. Absolutely horrible. The previous comments about whether Arizona is the worst state in the union for higher ed...well, it's slouching toward that. I hate to drag politics into this, but the Republicans in the House and Senate there are so sickeningly partisan that they truly don't care if they harm the university system.
I agree with the above poster. But let me set some facts down.
First, the U. of A. and ASU have been under a hiring freeze since the fall. That should be apparent, but our Public Administration and Policy Program was fully staffed and was not hiring this year anyway.
Second, and most important. As it stands now our program at the U. of A. is no longer in jeopardy of being cut. Two associate deans have been working with us to put numbers on the table. We are profitable to the university and our college. We are likely to be more profitable in the future. Our student body is among the most diverse in the entire university...and we are a quality program. We explored every option including a proposal for a new School of Government and Public Policy. That may still be in the cards now. Last, we have a very loyal and helpful group of supporters and alums who kept us alive during the fall.
I am not saying we are out of the woods, given the cuts, but our prospects are no where near as dim as some have reported.
I just needed to set the record straight.
Dr. Roger Hartley
Associate Professor
University of Arizona
By the way, last semester, I served as Interim Director of our Program when it was indeed under fire. I worked with Brint Milward who was "hardly" on sabattical, our faculty, our staff, and our students. We pulled together, we created opportunities where there were initially none. We worked harder than I ever imagined, and because of it, our faculty have never been closer.
We are a tough bunch, but we had the arguments on our side.
Roger Hartley
U. of Arizona
It's nice to have an actual, authoritative update on Arizona. Thanks, Roger.
As an ABD this year, I am starting to get this nagging feeling that I won't get a job this year. How does that look when I try and get one next year?
I don't think it matters much. Many of the fellow profs I know to my great surprise didn't get hired their first year on the market. It is a tough market this year, and it may take a few to get the TT job. Just take the year and use it wisely--publish publish!
I'm not the OP on "not getting a job", but here's a follow-up: How can I take a year to "publish publish!" if I have no choice but to graduate? I'll have no affiliation. I don't think "First Last, Starbucks" would look good on an article header.
And before we get bogged down in a "why do you have to graduate?" discussion, I just do. I've been here 5 years and the cash-strapped department isn't about to let me put off defending my 99% complete dissertation just because there are no jobs.
^^I'm in a similar boat, as I have to graduate now, but I took an adjunct position so I could get some teaching experience in my discipline and have an affiliation while I try to get a TT job. Even teaching one course gets you that--you may want to consider it. Also, might your uni keep you on as a research associate part time? If you are on a big project and made yourself invaluable, that might be another avenue.
Right - if it's a bad market year, surely your department would hire you on to teach at least *one* course per semester. I agree, keeping the affiliation (any affiliation, really) is a good thing.
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